Born in Monitor Oregon, Lt Com Christman commanded Bomb Squadron 133 in both Kwajalein and Iwo Jima. He earned his Navy Cross in 1942 when he lead a Naval patrol during an attack with the 101st Patrol Squadron, 10th Patrol Wing flying a Navy type PBY Patrol Plane on a strong Japanese Naval Force. He dove his patrol bomber at the enemy ships a caused severe damage from multiple dropped bombs and was immediately attacked by Japanese fighter planes. He and his crew were shot down, where he led three of the crew member through a three day swim through the pacific ocean until they were able to get to an island. They then spent the next 11 days island hopping with the help a native conoemen, then finally walked his men into the U.S. Naval Headquarters at Surabaya, Java (Indonesia). We are confused on how he died as the only source found listing his cause of death, listed it as a “a truck upset following a plane crash”. He Left Behind his mother, wife and a two year old son. (pg 7, 13, 15) (pg 10) (pg 5) (pg 16)